Spring Sprinkler System Checklist

Golden Owl

Spring Sprinkler System Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to give your home lawn sprinkler system a little bit of attention. A properly functioning sprinkler system can help keep your lawn healthy and green throughout the warmer months, so ensuring it’s in good working order is important. Here are some recommended spring maintenance tasks for your home lawn sprinkler system:

  1. Check for leaks – Inspect your sprinkler system for leaks or damaged pipes. If you find any issues, it’s best to repair them immediately to prevent water waste and damage to your lawn.
  2. Clean sprinkler heads – Sprinkler heads can become clogged with dirt or debris over time, affecting their performance. Clean the heads with a soft brush or toothbrush to remove any buildup.
  3. Adjust sprinkler heads – Make sure your sprinkler heads are properly adjusted to ensure your lawn has adequate coverage. Check for any areas that may be over-watered or under-watered, and make the necessary adjustments.
  4. Test the system – Turn on your sprinkler system and test each zone to ensure it works properly. Check for any areas that may not be getting enough water or areas that may be getting too much.
  5. Program the system – If your sprinkler system has a timer, ensure it’s properly programmed for the spring season. Adjust the settings to ensure your lawn gets the appropriate amount of water.
  6. Consider upgrades – If your sprinkler system is outdated or inefficient, consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient system. A newer system can help save water and reduce water bills while keeping your lawn healthy and green.
sprinkler watering beautiful back yard

Following these recommended spring maintenance tasks for your home lawn sprinkler system can help keep your lawn healthy and green throughout the warmer months. If you have any questions about sprinkler system maintenance or need help with these tasks, please get in touch with Jen Lillie, your local South Bend realtor. Jennifer is always here to help you with your South Bend real estate needs.