Educational Excellence: South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger School Systems – A Path to College, Beyond

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Educational Excellence: South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger School Systems – A Path to College, Beyond

Choosing the right place to raise your family involves assessing the quality of the local school systems and considering private school options. In this blog post, Jennifer Lillie, your dedicated REALTOR®, takes you on a comprehensive journey through the educational opportunities and statistics in South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger, including the percentage of students who go on to attend a university, trade school, or private institutions.

Hallway with lockers in a South Bend School.

South Bend Community School Corporation (SBCSC)

Total Schools: 31
Total Students: Approximately 15,000
Student-to-Teacher Ratio: 15:1

University/Trade School Attendance: SBCSC proudly sees a significant portion of its graduates pursuing higher education at universities, colleges, or trade schools, while some families opt for private school alternatives within the area.

Mishawaka School City

Total Schools: 10
Total Students: Approximately 5,800
Student-to-Teacher Ratio: 17:1

University/Trade School Attendance: Mishawaka School City enjoys high post-graduation success, with a considerable number of students furthering their education at universities, trade schools, or private institutions.

PHM School Corporation (Penn-Harris-Madison)

Total Schools: 14
Total Students: Approximately 11,000
Student-to-Teacher Ratio: 18:1

University/Trade School Attendance: PHM School Corporation consistently sends a significant portion of its graduates to universities, colleges, trade schools, or private schools, emphasizing its commitment to academic and career growth.

Private School Options

In addition to the robust public school systems, South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger offer a variety of private schools that cater to diverse educational philosophies and needs. Families seeking alternatives to public education can explore these private institutions, each with its unique focus and approach to learning.


Graduation Rates: South Bend schools have shown a remarkable improvement in their graduation rates. Mishawaka and Granger schools maintain impressive graduation rates, often exceeding the Indiana state average.

University/Trade School and Private School Attendance: These districts foster a culture of learning that extends well beyond high school. Students have a range of options to pursue their educational journey, whether through higher education, vocational training, or private schools.

Test Scores: South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger schools continue to excel in standardized test scores, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their academic journey beyond high school.

Extracurricular Activities: Students in these districts have access to a diverse range of extracurricular activities, preparing them academically and in terms of character and leadership skills.

South Bend, Mishawaka, and Granger offer more than just exceptional K-12 education; they provide a launchpad for students to embark on successful higher education, career paths, and private school alternatives. Whether you’re interested in the diverse offerings of the South Bend Community School Corporation, the academic excellence of Mishawaka School City, or the top-tier education provided by PHM School Corporation, these communities foster a culture of learning. As you begin your home-buying journey, Jennifer Lillie, your trusted REALTOR®, is here to help you find a home that aligns with your educational and future career goals, whether through public or private schooling.

Contact Jennifer Lillie today at 574-286-9667 or to set your family on a path to academic and professional success in South Bend, Mishawaka, or Granger, Indiana.

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